Week 9: Buying a car

Buying a car

5 necessary criteria:

  1. Must have all-wheel drive. I find this necessary living in the driving conditions that we do in Interior Alaska. When I first moved here I had a 2WD truck and I’ll never go back.
  2.  Monthly payment must be under $250 a month. Financially, I cannot afford a car payment more than $250 a month so it needs to stay within this budget.
  3. High safety ratings. My wife and daughter are the most important things to me. It’s necessary I drive a car that has received high safety ratings in crash testings.
  4.  Comfortably fit 2 car seats in the back. We hope to grow our family and we need a vehicle that will comfortably fit two car seats in the back. Space is a big issue when trying to find a car that isn’t too big and burning a lot of gas but will also fit the entire family.
  5. anti-lock braking system (ABS) feature. This goes with criteria #1 and feel this is an important safety feature for our Alaskan roads and driving conditions.

5 desirable criteria:

  1. Fuel efficient vehicle. I feel this should almost go under the necessary criteria as I always strive to improve my carbon footprint.  To be honest, I’ll take the safety of my family over the fuel efficiency of my car.
  2. Heated seats. This feature is so nice when its -40F outside! I don’t have a garage so our vehicles are always outside and it sure is nice getting into a car with warm seats.
  3. GPS navigation installed in vehicle. I use my gps on my phone a lot and it would be a great feature to have this installed in my car.
  4. Power rear gate. We rented an SUV with this feature and it was extremely helpful you’re a parent lugging around a big stroller and other baby gear. It’s like an extra set of hands.
  5. roof cargo capacity for outdoor gear. I like to bike and ski and prefer a vehicle where I can install racks on top of the car instead of in the truck which is now taken over with baby gear.


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